Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/252

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P. maura, Pall. (Common Indian Bush-Chat).—Very common during the cold weather. Affects the same situations as the last.

P. leucura, Blyth (White-tailed Bush-Chat).—I never saw this bird myself, but my friend Mr. C.M. Inglis writes that he saw a bird at Nashar, which he took to be this species.

Ruticilla rufiventris, Vieill. (Indian Redstart).—A common cold weather visitor, arriving in October, and departing again in March.

Cyanecula suecica, Linn. (Red Spotted Blue-throat).—This bird is very common during the cold weather among sugarcane and tall grasses. It usually arrives about the end of September.

Calliope camtschatkensis, Gmel. (Common Ruby-throat).—Two were seen by Mr. Inglis at Narhar.

Copsychus saularis, Linn. (Magpie-Robin).—Extremely common. It breeds in April, May, and June. Five appears to be the full complement of eggs. This bird is much prized by the natives for cages, on account of its sweet song.

Cittocincla macrura, Gmel. (Shama).—One of Mr. Inglis's collectors shot a specimen of this bird at Narhar in February, 1900.

Merula atrigularis, Temm. (Black-throated Ouzel).—I once came across a small flock of these birds at Dalsingh Serai in March, 1900, but was unable to secure any.

Geocichla citrina, Lath. (Orange-headed Ground-Thrush).—A scarce winter visitor. Usually seen in mango groves.

Oreocincla dauma, Lath. (Small-billed Mountain-Thrush).—A pair were shot by Mr. Inglis's collectors at Narhar in March, 1899.

Ploceus baya, Blyth (Baya).—Common. Breeds during the rains, making a large hanging nest. Most of the nests I have taken were hung on palm trees, but I have seen them on mimosa and sisoo trees. Two is the full complement of eggs.

P. bengalensis, Linn. (Black-throated Weaver-Bird).—Common, but not quite as common as P. baya. They build in rushes and long grass, breeding in June, July, August, and September.

Munia atricapilla, Vieill. (Chestnut-bellied Munia).—Found commonly in July and August.