Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/261

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F. peregrinus, Tunst. (Peregrine Falcon).—I once saw this bird at Dalsingh Serai in January, 1901. It was hovering over an oat-field.

F. peregrinator, Sundev. (Sháhin Falcon).—Mr. Inglis writes: "On the 22nd of December, 1899, I saw a Falcon sitting on a pepul tree near Hattiahi; it appeared to be this species. A Falcon with very dark-coloured back flew past the Nashar bungalow; it was flying very fast and low. I couldn't see its lower plumage, but, on account of the very dark colour above, I think it was this species."

Æsalon chicquera, Daud. (Red-headed Merlin).—Rare. I have a single male in my collection.

Tinnunculus alaudarius, Gmel. (Kestrel).—A very common cold weather visitor, arriving in October.

Accipiter virgatus, Reinw. (Besra Sparrow-Hawk).—Very common. One specimen I saw had the head white, though the rest of the plumage was of the normal colour.

A. nisus, Linn. (Sparrow-Hawk).—I once shot a specimen of this bird in March, 1898. I never came across another.

Astur badius, Gmel. (Shikra).—Very common, and much prized by native birdcatchers for the purpose of hawking. It breeds in April.

Pernis cristatus, Cuv. (Crested Honey-Buzzard).—Fairly common in well-wooded parts of the district. In June, 1901, I took a nest containing two young. Whilst the boy whom I sent up to take the nest was bringing down the young ones, the old bird kept swooping round his head, uttering a low kind of whistle.

(To be continued.)