Page:The abridgment of Christian divinitie.djvu/16

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Upon the EPITOME


Christian Divinity,

Publſht for the common benefit,

by the moft reverend and famous Doctor

John Wollebius,

chief Chair-man and Profeſſor of


CAlvin, great Key of th'Scriptures as'tis clear,

In's Books, inſtructed many far and near:

Whoſe learned Inſtitutions next thoſe known

Grand Euangelick truths give place to none:

Next Calvin, did Polanus ſo Comprize

Divinity, as't will live when th'Author dies.

Both theſe, Wollebius ſurpaſſed, such

Was his great skill, in little to ſeak much.

Go on, the Fathers Oracles thus t'unlock,

And be the Father of thine own poor flock.