Page:The abridgment of Christian divinitie.djvu/7

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Christian Divinitie:

So exactly and Methodically compiled, that it leads us, as it were by the hand

To the. Reading of the Holy Scriptures.
Ordering of Common-Places.
Underſtanding of Controverſies.
Clearing of ſome Caſes of Conſcience.

By John Wollebius, Doctor of Divinity & Ordinary profeſſor in the Univerſity of Baſil.

Faithfully tranſlated into Engliſh, and in ſome obſcure places cleared and enlarged,

By Alexander Ross.

The Third Edition.

To which is adjoyned, after the Alphabeticall Table

The ANATOMY of the Whole Body of DIVINITY,

Delineated in XIV. ſhort Tables, for the help of weak memories.


Printed by T. Mabb, for Joſeph Nevill, and are to be ſold at his Shop at the ſigne of the Plough in the New-Buildings in Paules Churchyard, 1660.