Page:The advancement of science by experimental research - the Harveian oration, delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, June 27th, 1883 (IA b24869958).pdf/9

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MR. PRESIDENT, AND FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS:-When I re- ceived from the President the request that I would, during the present year deliver the Oration which is associ- ated with the name of the illustrious Harvey, I felt great distrust in my own capabilities of rightly performing the duty allotted to me; and that feeling has be- come more intense as the work has gradu- ally opened before me. The eloquent words that fell from previous orators, the learning and research that have been displayed, the talented vindication of the memory of Harvey, and the substantiation of those claims, which have most justly been awarded to him, as the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, have added to my consciousness of the difficulty of my