Page:The age of Justinian and Theodora (Volume 2).djvu/159

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moored in the Mandracium, the patency of which had been discovered accidentally through the temerity and disobedience of one of the subordinate officers.[1] The soldiers were received into quarters throughout the town, while Belisarius, with his staff, ascended the Byrsa and established himself in the royal palace.[2] The same evening a banquet was spread for the Romans by the servants of Gelimer, when the victorious general occupied the throne of the defeated king.

Belisarius now applied himself energetically to restoring the fortifications of Carthage, which had fallen into a ruinous condition, as he felt assured that before long he would have to defend his conquest against a siege. In an incredibly short time he repaired all the breaches in the walls, and surrounded the city with a fosse protected by a stout palisade. His foresight was amply justified, and it was soon found that the outlying districts were beset by the adherents of Gelimer to such an extent that no Byzantines could venture outside the city without the certainty of being cut off by some hostile band.

In a few weeks the Vandal king had collected a force

  1. The sailors refused to hold off as Belisarius had directed, asserting that a "Cyprian" was imminent (an easterly gale). Hence Archelaus reluctantly steered for the Stagnum, but a lieutenant, on his own responsibility, made a bold dash for the Mandracium; Procopius, loc. cit., 20.
  2. The gaol, as usual, formed part of the palace, and both were on a lofty site, which can scarcely have been other than the Byrsa. The position is clearly indicated by some of the details. Thus the gaoler came to the prisoners and said, "What will you give me if I release you?" All promised, according to their utmost ability. "I ask nothing," said he, "but that you promise to befriend me should you hereafter see me in danger." Thereupon he unbarred an outlet and showed them the Roman fleet crossing the bay. Forthwith he opened the prison, and all went off together; ibid.