Page:The age of Justinian and Theodora (Volume 2).djvu/222

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hour, but the approach of the surprise party was signalled, so that they were met and repulsed.

Through the Goths being seduced into these attempts by his own enterprises, Belisarius found the opportunity he was looking for, and paid no further heed to the factitious truce. He now, therefore, gave the expected cue to John, who at once began to devastate central Italy, in a chase from Auximum to Urbinum, and shortly arrived within sight of Ariminum on the Adriatic. Here was another traitress, ready to betray her nation for the sake of personal pique and vexation; and John soon received a message from Matasuentha, the unwilling wife of the Gothic king, proposing that the city should be surrendered to him with her collusion. This treachery was quickly consummated, and the lieutenant-general took possession of that important stronghold.[1]

As had been foreseen, consternation spread through the Gothic camp before Rome the moment the news arrived that their families and homesteads to the north were being looted by the Byzantines; and Vitigis, himself in great concern at the malevolence of his wife, decided at once to raise the siege. With the least delay possible the barbarian host, having fired their encampment, put themselves in motion and marched northwards on their return to Ravenna. The unusual activity was soon observed by the Romans, where-*

  1. I forgot to mention that when Belisarius was merely on his way to Naples, Ebrimuth, the son-in-law of Theodahad, came over to the Byzantines. He was sent to CP., where he became a patrician, etc. There were other unnecessary transfers of allegiance, showing that many of the Goths were incapable of remaining true to themselves. In general, indeed, the barbarians were dazzled by the glory of the Eastern Emperor, and when they had been formed into cohorts under the title of "Justinian's Goths," "Justinian's Vandals," etc., their ambition was gratified to the utmost.