Page:The agricultural labourer (Denton).djvu/9

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At a time when the education of the wage-paid classes is receiving much public attention, and when we are just on the eve of a great political change, by which all classes will be admitted into the exercise of the electoral franchise except one—the working class in agriculture—I have thought it possible that a few words from one who for many years has directed the operation of a large number of agricultural labourers, and who necessarily feels a great interest in their welfare, might have some influence upon those who are giving their attention to the means by which their condition may be improved.

Having alluded to the new franchise about to be exercised under the "Representation of the People Act, 1867," let me at once disclaim all intention to give a political bearing to the observations I am about to make. I respect too highly the standing rule of this Society (Society of Arts)—of the Council of which I happen to be a member—that political discussions should be avoided in this room, to break it intentionally. But though it is my purpose to treat the subject in a practical manner I should fail in impressing upon others its full importance if, in the first place, I did not call attention to the