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Description of Burr.—A beautiful girl.—Love at first sight.—Untimely visitor.—Rev. Dr. Bellamy in New Jersey.

After his return to New Jersey, Burr at once became famous as a gallant. His height was just five feet six inches; of a handsome though slender figure, and possessed of a great muscular power. He could also endure great hardships and fatigue. His carriage was very erect and dignified; his forehead was broad and high, and his hair dark, and worn behind in a queue. His nose was nearly Grecian, and his mouth had an expression of voluptuousness, deceit, and cunning. His chin was broad and well-moulded; and his eyes were large, black and penetrating—once seen, never to be forgotten. This magnetic power was great, as many of the gentle sex knew to their sorrow.

His daring, independent spirit recommended him to the ladies, who admired courage and independence, very generally, and it was not long after his return, that he had a convincing proof of this, which gratified his vanity exceedingly.

Aaron was one day walking in an unfrequented spot, (for there were many wild and solitary places in those days,) when he saw approaching him a lady on horseback.

Without appearing impertinent, he took measures to ascertain whether it was a young or elderly rider. His stealthy glances soon convinced him that she was both young and lovely. She was not above the middle size, and of feminine proportions and features, yet there was a certain hauteur in her bearing which only rendered her more interesting.

As the rider drew near, Burr perceived that she was dressed in rich and fanciful style. She wore a riding-habit of blue cassimere, with yellow buttons, and the cuffs and collar were composed of red velvet. Her scarlet velvet cap was trimmed with fur, and sat very gracefully and rather jauntily on her head, while from under it fell a profusion of jet-black curls, which Solomon would have compared to clusters of ripe grapes. Her stately neck was of the purest alabaster, and her lips, like threads of scarlet, only opened to disclose pearls of surpassing whiteness.

Her bosom was plump, and of a good size; the shoulders faultless. The taper waist was admirably contrasted with well-rounded hips, and her manner was graceful—nay, fairly bewitching. She carried her head