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Aaron Burr

touched the most sacred spot of all, which betrayed the amorous fire which consumed her.

The beautiful nun now struggled to prevent an exposure, which too plainly told how much she was under the influence of burning desire, but soon all thoughts of shame were lost in joys unutterable!

Even the pang of losing her virginity was unheaded unheeded by the frenzied girl; for so keen was her desire, that the pain, itself, seemed to be delightful to her, knowing, as she did, what caused the momentary sufferings. The plump and rounded "mons veneris" being vigorously pressed by the ardent youth, in the act of coition, shot forth its jets, causing the nun such sweet throes of pleasure that she writhed, sighed, and could scarcely prevent herself from screaming. The seat of pleasure itself, influenced as it was by long-suppressed desire, now rubbed by the instrument of manhood, burned with such intensity of joy, that her motions became convulsive. She clasped Burr with arms and legs. She turned her limbs about him—her eyes rolled with maddening delight— she caught his lips between hers and sucked them till they were bloodless, and we will not repeat the ejaculations, the phases of wild and inflamed affection which she lavished upon him, as her bounding heart swelled with gratitude to the handsome youth, who was filling her whole being with the sweetest raptures that imagination can depict.

When the climax arrived, the belly and thighs of the youth were bathed with what seemed to be burning lava, so ardent was this amorous maid, so hot was her blood after two years of hopeless repining at her virgin state.

Burr then regained his feet, when the nun sprang up and threw herself upon his breast, clutching him like a cat, so fearful was she of losing the author of her sweet transports. Burr then rained kisses on her mouth, neck, and bosom.

"Oh!" said she, "my heart! Oh! my soul! Oh! my God! to think what I lose by remaining in this cursed convent! Oh! my dearest, most blessed man! Oh! sweet man! Oh! blessed man! Oh! heavenly man! Let me eat a piece of you! You have so thrilled me—so delighted me! so sweetened me—come—come," and she drew her consoler down upon her bosom.

Burr then gave her the second part of the same performance, in which she was, if possible, more enraptured than the first time. So bereft of all prudence, of reason, was the thrilled and delighted girl that, when the final keene throe of pleasure arrived, she threw back her head convulsively, and gave one loud, wild scream expressive of her intolerable joys.

Burr gave up all for lost; but no one stirred. Accustomed as they were to all sorts of noises, from wild beast and straggling Indians, the inmates of the convent, when startled from their dreams, by any strange