Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/119

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99 CORNISH, ENGLISH. CORNISH: ENGLISH. Powdered .. Corned Sherd ... Shard Prentis .. Aitpr entice Shoul ... Shovel Progue .. Prole Skivver .. Skewer Proper .. Handsome Slat .. Slate Pult .. Pulse Slish .. Slice Put horn .. Shut Sliver .. Slice Putcher .. Pitcher Slone ... Sloe Putty .. Pretty Smert .. Smart Rabbin .. RoUn Sodger .. Soldier Eemlet .. Remnant Soils .. AS'ga/5 Rish .. Rush Sond .. /S'awc? Rossum .. Rosin Sonny .. Sou Rowl .. i?o/^ Soun .. /SOZ^TZ^^ Rub .. i?(?& Sound .. AS'^(?oo7^ Rud .. Red Soundin .. Fainting Kuggy .. Rugged Spare .. iS/oz^; I^uggy .. Ruhbly Sperrits .. Spirits Ruttlin .. Rattling Sperrits .. Courage Sample .. Sujjple Spore .. fi^wr Sample .. &/i5 Squinny .. Squint {v.) Say .. /S'efl^ Splat .. Spot Scrunch .. Crunch Staarch .. Starch Skerd .. Abraded Stap .. /Si^^i? Shale .. ^mZ«  Stirrage .. Hubbub Sharps .. SAa//^5 Stuffle .. /S'/^l^e Shanks .. Spokes Sturch .. Starch Shellard , , Shillings- jT. Sturt .. Sto^ worth