Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/168

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148 CrOOny. Foolish, imbecile. Cropin, or Cropeing. Stingy, miserly, like "an old hunks." CrOTlging. Crouching, shuffling. " Crouging along." Crow, or Crou. A hut, a hovel, a sty. This is a Celtic Cornish word. Crowd. " A wooden hoop covered with sheep skin used for taking up corn. Davy, Zennor, Crowd. A fiddle. Crowder. A fiddler. Crowdy. To play the fiddle. Crowd and Crowder are Celtic Cornish words. Crowst or Crouse. A luncheon, a feed. This is a Celtic Cornish word. (Croust. PryceJ. Crowning. An inquest. Crow-sheaf. The crown or topmost sheaf of an arrish mow. Cruddy, Crudded, or Cruddled. Curdled. Cruel shaape. "In a cruel shaape," i.e., in a terrible mess. CruUey-head. Curl ey head. (Crull, curled, Chaucer,) Krylliaz, curled, in Celtic Cornish. Crum. Crooked, bent, curved. This is a Celtic Cornish word. It also means chilled, or cramped, as "my hands are crum with the cold. Crum-a-grackle. Perplexity, bother, "Here's a pretty crum-a-grackle." St. Just. T.c.