Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/17

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PREFACE, Long-descended from Cornishmen, the writer, like others of his countrymen, has a clannish fondness for Cornish words and phrases. From May 1879 to October 1880, the compiler of this book wrote lists of Cornish Provincial Words, which, through the courtesy of the Editor of the " Cornishman," (published at Penzance), were then allowed to appear in that paper. These letters appeared to interest a good many per- sons, and lists of provincial words were often asked for, but compliance was impossible without printing, and so, a glossary in the form here given was then decided on. But there were questions which required to be an- swered. How should a glossary of Cornish provincial words be arranged ? Since there is so much difference between the eastern and the western dialect, should there be a glossary for East, and another for West Cornwall 1 This seemed a plausible method, but another difficulty arose. What was to be done with that very large class of words common to the whole of Cornwall Such words could not be included in an eastern and a western glossary without a very useless repetition. To do this would be calling the same words, eastern dialect in one glossary, and western dialect in the other.