Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/176

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156 Draxel^ or Drexel. The threshold. (Drechtool PolwheU.) Drazac, or Drazackin. Slow, stupid, dull. Dredge corn. A mixed crop of barley, oats and wheat. c. Dredge wheat. A bearded wheat, used to be sown in coarse land. Tonkin, Dredgy ore. Inferior mineral. Borlase, Dreshel. See Drashel. Dressel^ or Dresshel. See Draxel. DribbS; or DrifFs. Small quantities of anything. Drift. A trench cut in the ground resembling a channel dug to convey water to a mill-wheel. Drilsy. A low, murmuring, and monotonous sound, or hum. Dring. A crush of people, " a regular dring." Also, a narrow place. See Drang. Dringed up. Crowded up together. Generally used of people in a crowded room, or vehicle. Soiled, as with dirt at the bottom of a dress. Dripshan. Mother's milk. Spirits. M.A.C. Driving nets. Nets drawn after the boats, fastened only at one end, in the meshes of which fish are caught as they try to pass through. Droke. A wrinkle, a furrow, a passage. M.A.C.