Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/190

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170 Fogans, or Poogans. A kind of cake. u.J.T. Folyer. See Volyer. Foot of tin. Two gallons of tin ore. Carew, Footway shaft. The shaft by which miners go down to their work in a mine. Foo-ty. Mincing, affected, ridiculous in manner. " Such footy ways" Fooch. Upon occasion, as, "it will do upon a fooch;" a pretence, " it is a poor fooch ; " also, a shove, " I gov'n a fooch." Fooch. To poke in the way, as, " what arr'ee foochin about 1 " Foochy. Maladroit, stupid, clumsy in method, or manner. Fooching along. Pushing along, getting on toler- ably well. Fore-right. See Vore-right. Forrel. The cover of a book. Forel is the name of a kind of parchment for the cover of books. Forth-and-back. Shuffling and vaccinating in man- ner. Fouse. To handle carelessly, or crumple. Fouster. To work hard, to bustle about. Foxy. When china-clay contains much oxide of iron, there is produced a reddish tint when it is burnt. This spoils the pure white colour, and this reddish tint gives to the clay the term " foxy."