Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/198

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178 Glumped up. Sitting apart in the " sulks." Gluthening up. Gathering into rain. " A common expression in Meneg." Polwhele. Gluth, Glut or Glit is Celtic Cornish for dew, a hoar frost, a rime. Goad. Half a square yard of land. Gob. A mass of expectorated phlegm. (Gobbet, a morsel, a bit, Chaucer), Go-a-gOOding. Poor old women of Polperro "go-a- gooding, travelling the parish over to collect mate- rials for the Christmas cake, and pudding. C. Goal. Slow, heavy pain. '^A goalin pain." In Celtic Cornish gelar or cjalar means anguish. Go-by-the-ground. A short little person. God^S cow. The lady-bird, (an insect). CaUington, GofFans. See Coffins. Goggling for gapes. Looking foolishly amazed. Goil. Cuttle fish. (c.) Sepia officinalis. Golden chain. Bunches, or rather the natural rows of laburnum flowers. Golles. By Golles ! An exclamation. Hercules was worshipped by the name of Golion or Goles; one of the gates of a city in Spain was dedicated to Goles. Hence we discover the meaning of the oath of the common people of Cornwall. Aye and of gentlemen, when they say '^Bj Golles!" i.e., "By Hercules." Hoggs Fab. Hist, of Cornwallj note p. 444. Gommock. A fool.