Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/272

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252 of Devon ; and the place of general assembly for the tinners hoth of Devon and Cornwall was Hengston Hill") Rounders. A game of bat and ball, somewhat like cricket, but with only one batting place, from which there are three stations to run round by, before reaching the batting place again. Round robin. The angler fish. c. Roup. To drink, or gulp down fluid in a noisy manner. Rouse-about. See Stiracoose. Routing out. Turning out the holes and corners, cleaning up. Roving. In great pain. " A roving toothacke." Also used thus, ^^ roving mad." Row. Rough. ^^ He loked wel rowe'^ Chaucer, Row. Refuse from the ore stamping mills. E.N. Row-hound. The fish Squalus canicula. c. Row-tin. The large grained rough tin. Borlase, Rud. Red. In Celtic Cornish rudh. Rudge. A partridge. Polwhele. Rouser. Something big, or resounding. Ruddock. A robin red-breast. Called also Rabbin, and Rabbin-redbreast. (Ruddock. Chaucer.) In Celtic Cornish it is Ruddoc. Rydhic, means reddish, in this j tongue. Ruinate. Ruined, overthrown. Spenser used this word.