Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/342

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322 Mabyers. Chicken, young fowls. Celtic Cornish mab Si son, yer, hens. Mock lead. Blende or black-jack. Sulphuret of Zinc. Fryce. Mole, The fish, rock goby. Gobius niger, C. Molly- caudle. A sAe-man who fidgets, and interferes with what is "women's work." Nater. Provincial, and Celtic Cornish for, nature. '^ Erbyn nater gans un cry^ Against nature with a cry. Near the day. Miner's term for, near the surface. Penny-liggy. Hard up for cash. Pilly ground. A fishing term for alternate stretches of sand, and rocks covered with sea-weed, under water. (Looe.) w.t.a.p. In Celtic Cornish jpil means a hillock, as if to say, a hillocky bottom. Poop, or Poopy. To go to stool. (Said by children.) Quick sticks. ^' He made quick sticks of it," i.e., He soon did it, or soon settled the business in hand. Rampant spar lode. A quartz lode. Pryce. Rowler. A ruler, a governor. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Rusk or Risk. The rind or bark. It is rise in Celtic Cornish. Rux. Grains of gold were so called by tinners. Pryce, See HoppS-