Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/364

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344 Prince Lucien Bonaparte. Only 250 copies were printed. The Prince was much pleased with the trans- lation, and expressed himself so to Mr. E. Netherton. ^'On the expiration of the Cornish Language," a letter by the Hon. Daines Barrington, read at the Society of Antiquaries May 6, 1773. This letter was reprinted by the Prince in 1860. There were only twelve copies printed. ^*The Literature and Dialect of Cornwall," Camb. Jour., 30 Nov., 1861. BOTTRELL, William.— Author of Traditions and Hearthside stories of West Cornwall." This book contains a Glossary. He has written many things re- lating to Cornwall. COUCH, Thomas Quiller, M.R.C.S., F.S.A.— Among his writings are "■ Obsolete words still in use in East Corn- wall." Journ. Boy. Inst, of Cornwall, 1864, March, pp. 6-26 ; also April 1870, pp. 173-79, is an Appendix to a list of Obsolescent words and Local Phrases in use among the folk of East Cornwall." Also an article on ^'The Cornish language," 1864, pp. 76-77. In the Biblioth. Cornubiensis there is a further notice, thus (p. 1139). '^ List of obsolete words still in use among the folk of East Cornwall. Truro, Netherton, printer, n.d. (1864), 8vo., pp. 22. '^Cornish words and Phrases," ib., 2 S. iii, 240, 1857, cf. also iii, 473. "East Cornwall words," by Thomas Q. Couch. Pub. by the English Dialect Society, 1880.