Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/370

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350 STACKHOUSE, Eev. Jonathan Lett.— He contributed to the Journal of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, May 1864, pp. 75^ 76, an article on "Obsolete words still in use among the people of East Cornwall." TALES. — Cornish tales in prose and verse. By various authors, including W. B. Forfar, T. E. Higham, with a glossary. Truro, James E. Netherton, 1867, 8vo, pp. 151. Five tales in prose and verse in the Cornish dialect. Truro, J. E. Netherton, n.d. (1882), 12mo., pp. 61. Cornish Comicalities, 9 tales in prose and verse, 12^. pp. 60, 1880. A Cornish Love Story and 8 other tales, 12^. pp. 62, 2nd ed. 1882. The Billy Goat and the Pepper Mine, and 6 other tales, 12«. pp. 64, 1882. TEEGELLAS, John Tabois. — He was born at St. Agnes on Novr. 1, 1792. Spent the greater part of his life in Cornwall, and died at Chester on April 17, 1867. Unequalled as a WTiter and lecturer on the Cornish Provincial Dialect. The whole of his works are now published in 2 vols., viz : — ^^ Tales in prose and verse," and Haunts and Homes of the Eural Population of Cornwall," (illustrated), published by Netherton and Worth, Truro. WHITE, John. — Writer of ^^The humorous adventures of Tom Trevail," 1872, 8vo., pp. 20. WOETH, Eichard Nicholls. — The well known author of the History of Plymouth, &c. In the Journal of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall is " Some inquiry