Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/373

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ERRATA. ir' /^'l ioY nauidua, lesid navidna, n 15, ,, 9, ) ,, 12, ,, 6, for _p^ea, read jp^eM. „ 19, ,., 2nd from bottom, for Pnulus, read Poenulus, ,, 39, ,, 2nd from bottom, for Eva, read Eve, „ 55, „ 16. Omit one *'in." ,, 73, ,, 2, ioT writing, read writings. ,, 103, „ 20, for scources^ read sources. „ 108, ,, for Agyfy, read Argyfy. ,, 128, ,, 1, for Flour spar, read Fluor spar. ,, 141, ,, 21, ioic fortuituously , read. fortuitously . 152 ) " -^^' > for BottralL read Bottrell. „ 158, j ,. 166, „ for Fem-webb, read Fem-web. „ 167, „ 13, for Fichet, read Fitchet. „ 192, ,, 23, for scrad, read scad. „ 203, ,, Lace. Omit, " This is a Celtic Cornish word meaning, ^^ „ 205, „ 21, for vegatable, read vegetable, ,, 230, „ 16, for bill'hoook, read bill-hook. ,, 240, „ 19, for tos, to swear, read toy, to swear, tos, he swore. „ 252, ,, 13, for toothache, read toothacJie, „ 255, „ 12, for Scabby-gulyun, read Scably-gulyun. „ 259, „ 13, for Sruff, read Scrujff. „ 296, ,, 3, for task, read cask, „ 316, ,, 2, for crauny, read cranny.