Page:The art of dress - a poem (IA artofdresspoem00gayj).pdf/37

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The Cloak, in which a Noble Peer[1] of late
Got off Incog. and slily bilk'd the State:
That, with a Mask, is such a sure Disguise,
'Twould cheat an Argus, or a Spaniard's Eyes.

Thus whilst with Artless Hand I touch the String,
And trace our Fashions to their Ancient Spring;
For Berkley's Loss, with Song divert my Care,
And call the Beauteous Crowd to lend an Ear;
Vouchsafe, Auspicious on the Muse to shine,
Supreme of Nymphs, O Matchless Caroline!
So, may those Graces (who, deriv'd from Thee,
Of Future Bards the Glorious Theme shall be)

  1. The Earl of Nithisdale.
