Page:The art of kissing (IA artofkissing987wood).djvu/38

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the emotion of having stepped off of a neck-high stretch in the river into a pool of immeasurable depth. If this is definitely the case, the only thing to do is to paddle toward one side or the other, in the hope of reaching firm ground once more.

Something as to the kissability of a girl is taught, ordinarily, by the external appearance of her teeth. We are indebted to Freud for the discovery that protruding teeth, while they may be esthetically a blemish, are at the same time an advertisement of a passionate nature. Such teeth usually derive from the girl's habit, while an infant and a small child, of continuing to suck at pacifiers, fingers or any object handy, until she has pulled her teeth out of normal alignment. This continuing at sucking indicates a strong sexual nature: and the lack of flawless beauty in such girls is more than made up for by their ample passion. The girl with prominent teeth is usually made love to and mated far before her sister, who is built more on the lines of a Grecian baby grand Venus.

Kissing Relatives.—The matter of selectiveness determines what kind of kiss you give to your relatives. In the South, the custom of discovering that you and any pretty girl you meet are "kissing cousins" is an enjoyable one; and, needless to say, having selected such cousin with proper discrimination, you treat the kiss as the means to enjoyment as great as that with any girl who measures up to your particular standard of female attractiveness. With relatives in general, especially with