Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/130

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When we make use of external language as a means of communication, our reception of truth does not depend so much upon who speaks, as upon ourselves; for it matters not who uses language, before it can awaken the idea in our minds, it must first be communicated to our understanding. Therefore though the communication may convey established truth, our understanding is quite liable to err as to the meaning of the communication. Though the communication were made by God himself, it might not convey the truth, because each man or woman would understand it according to his or her plane of development. The character of a communication is determined by the plane from which it is translated. The caution is, "Take heed how ye hear."

However credible and truthful an individual may be, he may be mistaken, and falsify in respect to facts and principles communicated; so that unless we have an absolute perception of the truth of that which is communicated, we can not affirm that we have the truth upon the subject in question. In holding communication with our neighbor, we find that A or B or C has always told the truth, and therefore when he tells us