Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/133

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be complete dupes, and make themselves the laughing-*stock of every sensible man and woman.

You will find in all parts of the country those who, if they can get a rap, say "Spirits, is it so?" and act according to the responses they receive. Nothing can be further from the true use and design of these manifestations. My position is simply this: so far as these outward means of communication are concerned, they are designed for those who can not get a more interior view of their relations with the Spirit-world. If an individual is living in his exterior or sensuous nature, so that what comes to his understanding must come through his senses, then these outward manifestations are useful and necessary to satisfy him of the fact that Spiritual beings do exist, and have the means of communicating with us. But when he is fully satisfied on that point, he has received about all the benefit he can from these exterior communications.

There is another important point to which I wish to call your attention, and one which, if properly understood by those who investigate the Spiritual phenomena, will save them a great deal of embarrassment. It is this: that that class of Spirits who usually manifest themselves through public mediums, either by sounds, by moving physical objects, or by any other means before promiscuous objects, or by any other means before promiscuous public assemblies, can not generally be relied upon; and the reason is very obvious. It is well understood that an individual who is excessively sensitive to all moral influences—whose sensibilities are such that they can not endure the presence of that which is vulgar—are repelled by, or