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lady was in rapport with the Spirit, and consequently her thoughts could be seen by the Spirit, while he could not perceive the thoughts of the physician, who was not in rapport with him. If you ask questions orally, it may be that the Spirit does not hear them, except through the medium's ears, so to speak. I might go on thus to great extent, showing the liability there is to be deceived in these public communications.

The circumstances of a public circle are exceedingly unfavorable to getting communications from Spirits of a high degree of refinement. The most that can be obtained under such conditions is some external evidence of Spiritual existence. The point to which I wish to call your attention is the almost universal fact that mediums devoted to external manifestations, while under the influence of this presiding Spirit, are under an influences to deceive, to cheat, which is almost irresistible. It does not matter particularly how good manifestations they get. I have seen this deceptive disposition manifested in mediums who could get very remarkable manifestations, such as the movement in the open light of a table with several men standing upon it. Not that they themselves wished to deceive, but they were almost irresistibly controlled by the influence surrounding them, and which must generally be present in a large circle. I have seen this many times when I knew the manifestations to be genuine. A skeptic, however, notwithstanding their genuineness, would, upon detecting the slightest thing like cheating, pronounce them all a humbug. There are but few mediums who could resist this influence which comes over them at times, inciting them to help the mani-