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instances of Spirit-healing. We have abundant genuine evidence of what Spirits do. Attributing to Spirits that which is not produced by them, tends to make us dishonest with ourselves and our neighbors. Were due caution exercised in this matter, we should not need half the evidence which is now required to convince the world that Spirits do exist and communicate. When it is observed that everything is attributed to Spirits, the world will not believe us even when we tell them facts.

I know that Spirits do communicate—do exist. It is not with me a matter of conjecture at all—I KNOW it; but there is no occasion to make persons believe that every thing comes from Spirits. I ask Spiritualists to be more careful, more dignified in their investigations in these matters, and they will find that there are facts enough before the world to convince it of the truths of Spiritualism, when you can convince the world that you are duly cautious and not easily misled. I do not wish to lie for Spirits, nor do I wish them to lie for me.