Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/153

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not having a consciousness of its own separate from the divine consciousness, it comes under the law of exterior communication and representation. Therefore it is never present in the mind by itself, but by that which represents it there. If we would learn how it is that a Spirit represents itself in different places at the same time, we must learn the law of representation. I see my andience, by which I mean I see that which represents you to my consciousness. You are presented to my consciousness by means of a medium which comes between you and me; and according to the accuracy of my faculties to perceive, and according to the accuracy of this medium to represent you to my consciousness, will be the accuracy of your representation in my mind.

I see you now by the medium of light; and you all see me at the same time. I am here and only here. but you all see me in your various positions. You see me by means of the light which takes my image into every part of the room. Though actually present in but one place in this room, yet by that which represents me I am omnipresent in this room. The great law of representation is that we perceive a thing, not by itself, but by that which represents it in our consciousness. Hence according to the ubiquity of the medium will be the ubiquity of the representation. In this room the medium light is ubiquitious, and my image is just as omnipresent as the medium. The same is true of every other medium by which presence is represented.

I, as a finite spirit, am conscious only by means of the divine consciousness within me, which imparts and