Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/161

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There are many reasons for the evil results of organization; and if we continue to organize upon the principles observed in organizations of times past, we may expect that the same evils will continue. I propose to inquire whether there is not a natural basis, and endeavor to discover the causes of evils for the past, so that we may know how to rectify them and guard against them in future.

Every operation in nature tends to individualism. From the moment you begin to watch matter, every process is found tending to individualization. The elements which now compose our bodies originally existed in a general unindividualized state or condition. The material elements of our bodies, and the media through which the material elements were controlled, in bringing them to their present position, existed originally in an unindividualized condition; and when each particle was brought under a certain process that it might receive vital affinities, it was with reference to the formation of an individualism. Nature labors constantly to organize and individualize, and you and I owe our individual existence to this tendency in nature; and the same law operates in society. The fact that there have been so many organizations, shows that there is a natural tendency to organize. The great difficulty attending all organizations has been the departure from the law of nature—the law of affinity or attraction—for Nature works by the law of affinity, never by the law of repulsion or excretion. The law of excretion is only applicable to those elements which are to be rejected. External force has never been applied by Nature to aid her. She does not bring ex-