Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/167

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what are they to gain if it produces no better fruits in them than in you? While we are trying to get the motes from our religious brother's eye, is it not possible that we have very extensive beams in our own? We are calling for organization to unite the moral power and energy of the millions of Spiritualists; but if the influence of Spiritualism has not served to redeem us, how are we to expect that it is to redeem the world? If Spiritualism does not save you, how are you to reproach the church for its inconsistency in sending its missionaries to convert the heathen to what they themselves do not practice—when even slave-*holders are received to the bosom of the church, while the slave toils in the rice and cotton swamps of the South, while the babe is torn from its mother's breast. If the church were to turn round and point out similar inconsistencies among Spiritualists, what would the Spiritualists of New York reply?

Spiritualists should see to it that the work which is wrought in them by Spiritualism testifies what will be its work in others. If it does not touch their own character; if it does not make the false man true, the corrupt man better, what reason shall we give in favor of its being received by the world? We have Spiritualists enough to convert the world if they were only spiritualized. There is the difficulty. It is one thing to be a Spiritualist, and another thing to be spiritualized. What we want is something that shall take our Spiritualists and spiritualize them. We want to find some key which shall open up a fountain deeper in any man's soul than has yet been opened by these manifestations—which shall call out higher, holier, and