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Herein is to be found one of the fundamental errors of Christendom, in not perceiving the true meaning of the first and second covenants; that is, in not perceiving the true sphere of the Mosaic and Christian governments. Each are of divine appointment in their respective spheres; and neither have respect to time or place of administration, but to condition. The Mosaic, which is a figure representing the governments of force addressed to man as a selfish being, will never be at an end so long as society is in a condition to require that kind of administration. It will not be at an end in the individual until his moral nature is in the ascendant, until he keeps that new commandment of "Love one another." And the Mosaic dispensation will not be at an end in society until the kingdom of heaven is established in the hearts of the members thereof.

The theologian has committed a great error in making the kingdom of heaven a historic affair, supposing that the death of Jesus terminated the first, and introduced the second dispensation, not seeming to understand that the character of the government determined to which dispensation it belonged irrespective of time or place. That government which is instituted with respect to, and is administered upon the principles of selfishness and force, is Mosaic, no matter in what age or by whom administered. All civil and ecclesiastical governments which are external and forceful belong to the Mosaic, no matter by what names they may be called. A moment's reflection will demonstrate to a mind of ordinary intelligence and information, that all external human governments are of