Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/39

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of affection, is to be revealed to the mind. The love characterizing this department was described as divine love—the love of the Divine Being. The first love is objective in self, the second is objective in neighbor, and the third is subjective in God. Thus, then, was given the division of that department of mind pertaining to man's perception and affection.

I am now to commence with the first—man in the lowest department of his perception and affection, to show you its nature, and its presence in him, in society, in government, and in the Spirit-world. If we would learn the laws that govern in that sphere of the Spirit-world called outer darkness, we need only learn the laws that govern in the sphere of outer darkness which is in man, and which is caused by man to exist in society. A singular idea has obtained, that this lower animal nature derives its quality from the physical body we carry about with us; and that when we come to be separated from it, we shall no longer possess any of that nature; as though this earthly body was the foundation of perception or affection—as though the instrument were the cause—as though this body, which we temporarily inhabit, exercised more control over us than the mind!

I propose first, then, to inquire how much influence the body exercises upon the mind, and how much influence the mind exercises upon the body, so that we may arrive at something like an accurate conclusion as to what our condition will be beyond the grave; for if we know how much is to be subtracted, at death, from our animal natures, we can know how much of that nature remains after we have passed beyond the