Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/43

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as it relates to the spirit, you may learn exactly how much influence, truly and properly, it exerts upon your spirit; but when you look beyond the needs of the body, and find impulses asking for more, you may be certain that you are finding impulses which do not pertain to your body. Though they may lay hold of your body and stimulate it to action and administer to its gratification, yet they do not arise out of it, but out of some neglected need. Such impulses are the voice of God calling our attention to some need which you have forgotten or neglected, and they will not permit you to rest till you discover what that need is and supply it. I will illustrate this point.

Although man in the lower department of his nature is animal, he is nevertheless something more than an animal in the activities of his nature. The highest impulse of the animal is to provide for and protect its perishable mortal structure, and he has no immortal spirit to provide for in the future. He is content when the needs of the body are supplied. Did you never notice how content and unconcerned are the horse and dog when their demand for food is supplied? Young animals and young children, in their play, are supplying one of the needs of their body. But when the children have passed from childhood, desires of that kind cease, if they become properly developed men and women, and others take their place; while the animal, whenever the needs of his animal nature are supplied, is satisfied. Consequently, you do not see dissipated animals. Did you ever think of that? Animals do not get drunk, nor seek for gratification in any such unnatural channel. Animals are true to