Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/56

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exercise your reasoning faculties on this point, you will see that it should and must be so. When we come to understand the Spirit-world, we shall find that in our Father's house there is a mansion suited to those who seek after self-gratification, and that that world, like this, is subdivided into many minor spheres, corresponding to the various grades of development in the different spheres of mind. There are physical spheres, intellectual spheres, moral spheres, and religious spheres, as there are in this world; and they are very much of the some description as those here, because they proceed from the same basis. Individuals passing from this sphere to that, will fashion out of the materials which their own conscious elements furnish the same kind of a Deity there that they worshiped here. As in New York city there are many degrees of advancement in these different departments—one man seeking to gratify his lusts through appetite, and another man in some other way; and as you can find here every sphere, except the divine sphere (I doubt whether you can find that), so in the Spiritual world you will find all these different degrees of advancement, each occupying its own appropriate sphere.

Here is one man who seeks gratification, it may be, in strong drink, and he worships the bowl; another seeks it in food, and hence becomes an epicure, and worships the stomach; another, it may be, seeks gratification in practicing certain games or tricks, or following after some amuesment; while another seeks gratification in sexual indulgences. So you may go on and enumerate the endless variety of channels in which men seek to gratify their selfish desires; and it