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sincere desire to do good to a fellow-man who is in need) give him alms, it is laying up treasure in heaven. I have placed it at my Father's disposal—have intrusted it to one of his messengers.

We have a fashionable way of doing charities in this world. We do not like to be troubled with charities. We are willing to be taxed some—we are very generous to give sometimes; but then we do not want the trouble of finding the object, and bestowing it with that love, kindness, and sympathy of soul which carries more joy to the stricken heart than the poor pittance. He needs it as much as he does your other charities. But instead of taking this trouble, we raise contributions, appoint a committee, and go and drop our gifts by machinery here and there. If you will look up a poor sufferer some of these cold mornings, and give but a dime, with a blessing, you will not only carry joy into the heart of the suffering poor, but rejoicing into the Angel-spheres. In that way you must cast your bread upon the water, and you will find it after many days—will hear, eternally you will hear, the music of that poor sufferer's thankful heart. If you once in purity of soul, in the pure affection of your heart, go and bestow a kindness from a pure and fervent spirit, you will awaken a chord which will vibrate harmoniously in your soul to all eternity.

As man develops in himself a love of his fellow-man irrespective of exterior relation, but as a child of God, as possessing in his bosom the germ of immortality, and as endowed with a facility of eternal unfolding in the eternal future, he comes into the sphere of true charity; and when his work is faithfully done