Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/74

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]forth its light; and as a type of divine love it constantly gives forth heat to build up finite forms.

The Divine Father does not stop to inquire, whether men love him or not. His love is self-existent, self-sufficient, and goes forth of its own divine plenitude, of its own infinite fulness, blessing every being in every plane, according as he comes into the condition to receive that blessing. God's sun shines upon the field of the wicked man as quick as upon the field of the righteous. This is bestowing blessing upon a common plane. Man loves friend and curses foe, but Christ says you must not make any difference. You must become like your Father. You claim to be his children; therefore love your enemies, seek good for all, whatever may be their affection for you. Christ's doctrine differed very much from what the world had heard before. It had generally been supposed that God loved objectively. Christ taught that God blessed every man according to the plane he occupied. God of his infinite fulness will pour out all the blessings you are capable of receiving. If you want all the joys of the third heaven, which are inexpressible, bring your mind to love subjectively. Love God, not for his use, not because he is goving to bless you, but because there is interior harmony and oneness between your soul and his—because your heart thrills and throbs to his divine heart. Then you will reap the blessings belonging to the divine plane. Man can only love an object by having an object to love; but God is love; it is his nature to love and bless; and whatever comes within the divine influence will be blessed according to its capacity to receive the bless-