Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/89

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the individual brought in contact with this medium will see Spirit-existences, not by their presence in the consciousness, but by that which represents the presence there. Hence it is that the clairvoyant (when you have proceeded with your manipulation until you have insulated the mind, or brought it into clear rapport with this spiritual medium or atmosphere so that he sees by the spiritual sight and hears with the spiritual ear, and no longer sees with the physical eye, or hears with the physical ear) comes in contact with this spiritual medium, and can look out into another room, and tell what is transpiring, who is there, etc., just as we can look through glass and tell what we see. The principle is precisely the same. The medium by which he perceives things in another room freely permeates or passes through the intervening walls; so that although my spiritual form is still in this body, yet it is actually exerting its influence on this spiritual medium throughout the world—throughout not only this world, but throughout the solar system. Wherever this spiritual medium extends, this spiritual image of mine is taken and carried out through that medium, just as my physical image is carried out through the medium of light; and whoever comes into rapport with that Spirit-medium and influence, and undulates to the same motion, will perceive that form. Hence coming into the clairvoyant condition I may see a person in London, if it so happen that the undulation of my mind on this medium be such as to harmonize with that of the individual in London—not that his spirit is personally here present, or my spirit personally present there (but I am here in my own spirit-con-