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medium which represents that which we investigate or perceive; and that is the peculiarity of arriving at knowledge through what is called the sphere of manifestation. The difference between being and manifestation is seen in that law.

If any one doubts this law, I am ready to be questioned. Bring up any case you please, either from the natural or the Spiritual world, and I will show that that is the law. I say it is altogether a fallacious idea that Spirits can not communicate without being actually present—the idea that Spirits can not communicate in New York, London, Liverpool, or any other place in the world at the same moment, is altogether a fallacious idea. They can be present wherever there is a mind in rapport with them to see that presence. People talk about their being so rapid in their passage from here to Boston or London, and wonder how they can go over the ground so quick. This is all explained when you understand the law of manifestation. There is no apparent difference of time between London and any other place—it is only a relative difference—merely a question of relation. This, then, being the law of communication and manifestation, we will just notice one thing further, which will explain why it is that individuals are obliged to come into certain states to receive communications, and will answer many other questions, among which are, "Why are not all mediums?" "Why can not all get communications?" "Why is it that one who can get a communication at one time can not at another?" Ten thousand such questions are pressed every day, when the law is just as simple as that two and two make four.