Page:The astral world, higher occult powers; (IA astralworldhighe00tiff).pdf/94

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the conditions of its action. It is often the case that the entrance of a person into a circle where manifestations are occurring, causes their discontinuance, and the person is perhaps astonished to think the Spirits should be so contrary. It was simply because he had come in and violated the conditions by which they could manifest. He had, so to speak, disturbed one of the plates of the battery. The law to which your attention is called, is this great law of commensurability in form and motion; or, in other words, the law of harmonic action, which is manifested not only in the material plane, but unfolded in every degree upon the conscious plane. In consequence of this law the communication between spheres differing in their characteristics must necessarily be external; that is, I can not communicate with an individual by the internal method, or the method of inspiration, except he is on the same plane with myself. Perhaps there is not one individual here so exactly on the same nerve-plane with myself, that I could communicate with him without signs; yet I can reveal my form so that you can all see me, by an external method, though we belong, perhaps, to very different planes. We can all communicate by external language, provided in our communications, we take that plane of communication which will be familiar to all present. This is the law existing between minds out of the physical body. One mind out of the physical body may communicate with another out of the physical body, by an external means, when he can not by the internal. The external means does not come directly to the affection. The vulgar and the profane man may speak to the refined