Page:The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840.pdf/21

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who besides. I have no lands now—only a name, only a name! Foreigners come; they know Mr. Rewa, but this is all I have left—a name! What do Native men want of a Governor? We are not whites, nor foreigners. This country is ours, but the land is gone. Nevertheless we are the Governor—we, the chiefs of this our fathers’ land. I will not say ‘Yes’ to the Governor’s remaining. No, no,no; return. What! this land to become like Port Jackson and all other lands seen [or found] by the English. No, no. Return. I, Rewa, say to thee, O Governor! go back.”

Moka, chief of the Patuheka Tribe, arose and said, “Let the Governor return to his own country: let us remain as we were. Let my lands be returned to me—all of them—those that are gone with Baker. Do not say, ‘The lands will be returned to you.’ Who will listen to thee, O Governor? Who will obey thee? Where is Clendon? Where is Mair? Gone to buy our lands notwithstanding the book [Proclamation] of the Governor.”

On this being interpreted to the Governor, His Excellency said “that all lands unjustly held would be returned; and that all claims to lands, however purchased, after the date of the Proclamation would not be held to be lawful.” This was also interpreted to Moka by the Rey. H. Williams; when

Moka rejoined, “That is good, O Governor! that is straight. But stay, let me see. Yes, yes, indeed! Where is Baker? where is the fellow? Ah, there he is—there, standing! Come, return to me my lands.” This he addressed to Mr. Baker, coming forward as near as he could to the place where Mr. Baker was standing on the raised platform, and looking up, waiting for a reply. To which question Mr. Baker quietly replied, “E hoki, koia?”—equivalent in English to, “Will it, indeed, return?” On which Moka continued, “There! Yes, that is as I said. No, no, no; all false, all false alike. The lands will not return to me.”

At this juncture a white man came forward, and, ad