Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/151

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7.   The answer came both short and quick:
“To my belief I mean to stick,
I hold it steadfastly,
If God approves, naught can alarm
And he will save me from all harm.”
8.   And that same Saturday at night
An Angel of the Lord with might
To Haslibacher came,
And said: “The Lord me here did send
To strengthen you to meet your end.”
9.   “To give you help that will avail
If in your faith you do not fail
But stand both fast and firm.
That faith is pleasing to the Lord.
He holds your soul in good accord.”
10.   “Although you will be driven hard
And then must perish by the sword,
Be not thereat alarmed.
There I shall be right at your side
And all the pain you may abide.”
11.   While Monday's hours were passing o'er
The learned men came still once more
To Haslibacher's cell,
And what they wanted was in brief
He should surrender his belief.
12.   “If not,” said they with the same breath,
“Tomorrow you will suffer death.”
Then Haslibacher said:
“Before my own belief I scoff
You may indeed cut my head off.”
13.   That Monday night in darkness deep
The Haslibacher lay asleep.
About the midnight hour
He dreamed it was all light, and they
Had come to take his head away.