Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/574

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  1. Death penalty an anachronism, 209
  2. Dechert, Robert P., 158
  3. Dedication of battlefield memorials, 316; of memorial to Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment dead, 358
  4. DeKay, Drake, 92
  5. Delaney, Captain John C., 272, 348
  6. Delaware channel appropriation, 396; brought to attention of Legislature, 537
  7. Delaware governor sends an improperly drawn up requisition, 315
  8. Delegate to the 1904 Republican convention, 358
  9. Democrats endorse author for judge, 202; make political capital of special session, 411
  10. Denithorne, Richard, 82
  11. Department of Health created, 380
  12. Department of Public Records work, 527
  13. Departmental reports, economies in printing, 525
  14. "Desecration and Profanation of the Pennsylvania State Capitol," 432
  15. Dick, Franklin A., 185
  16. Dickens, Charles, impressions of, 148
  17. Dickson, Samuel, 127, 153, 339
  18. Diffenderffer, F. R., 229
  19. Dinner given by newspaper men to governor, 438; to newspaper men, Jan. 3, 1907, 437
  20. Discipline enforced by author as a teacher, 77; of author's boyhood, 36
  21. Disston, Hamilton, 125, 174
  22. Divorce congress, commissioners appointed, 415; initiated, 415; recommendations, 416; propositions not endorsed by Pennsylvania, 417, 439
  23. Dixon, Dr. Samuel G., 284, 380, 463
  24. Dobson, John R., 100
  25. Dock, Christopher, 147, 164
  26. Dodge, Henry C., 86
  27. Dordrecht Confession of Faith, 19
  28. Dorr, Doctor, 22
  29. Dos Passos, John R., 183
  30. Dotterer, Henry S., appointed private secretary, his death, 283
  31. Dougherty, Daniel, 99, 115, 128
  32. Douglass, William, as governor of Massachusetts, 280
  33. Dow, Neal, visits author's father, 50
  34. Dramatic performance participated in by author as a boy, 54
  35. Dreer, Ferdinand J., 239
  36. Driver, Alfred, 59
  37. Drug clerk experience of author, 65
  38. Durham Iron Works, 60
  39. Durham, Israel W., 273, 386, 450
  40. Dutch, ancestry of author, 17; language successfully studied, 145
  41. Dwyer, John P., 374
  42. Earle, Geo. H., comments on Supreme Court episode, 444; expresses his appreciation, 455; urges acceptance of Supreme Court nomination, 443
  43. Economies and reforms in office of governor, 284
  44. Edwards, Kate, murder case, 372
  45. Egle, Dr. William H., 229
  46. Egolf, Gus, the Norristown dealer from whom old books, etc., were obtained, 162
  47. Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves' monument at Antietam, 437
  48. Elkin, John P., elected to Supreme Court, 345; sought governorship without success, 262
  49. Ellsworth, Colonel Elmer E., 92
  50. Emery, Jr., Lewis, 187
  51. Emery, Lewis R., nominated by independents for governor, 433
  52. Eminent domain, right of, railroads' reform urged, 533; right taken from water companies, 379
  53. Empire Hook and Ladder Company, 57
  54. English ancestry of author, 17; baggage handling system breaks down, 226; common law reports, preparation of third volume, 126; estimate of character by author, 247; channel, near collision in, 248
  55. Enterprise National Bank failure, 397; state deposits recovered, 421
  56. Ephrata imprint collection, 160
  57. Equity bill against a municipal loan case, 253
  58. Etheridge, Emerson, 92
  59. Euen, Doctor David, 39
  60. Evans, Nelson F., 174
  61. Evil eye, 68
  62. Executive building recommended to be made state library, 528
  63. Executive mansion, opinion of the governor, 274
  64. Executor in estate of Joseph R. Whitaker, 246; for estate of Mary Pennypacker Colket, 204
  65. Eyre, T. Larry, 320
  66. Fager, Doctor John H., 290
  67. Fairbanks, Vice President, 395, 445, 463
  68. Fairmount Engine Company, 56
  69. Family of author moves to Harrisburg, 274; to Philadelphia, 55; settle on Chestnut near Eighteenth, 57
  70. Farr, Chester N., 101, 128
  71. Farr, Edward B., commends administration, 467
  72. Fee system in state departments ought to be abolished, 536
  73. Federation of Women's Clubs addressed, 315
  74. Fell, D. Newlin, 200, 276, 442
  75. Financial standing of state in 1905, 623
  76. Fisher, William Righter, 128
  77. Fisher, George Harrison, 127
  78. Fitler, Edwin H., Quay's estimate of him, 201
  79. Five O'Clock Club dinners, 234
  80. Flag pole incident on Tunnel Hill, author's confession, 82