Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/580

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  1. Pepys, author of a book often reprinted, 15
  2. Perkasie encampment of First Brigade visited, 307
  3. Perot, T. Morris, 175
  4. Petition from Philadelphia lawyers asking governor not to be a candidate for Supreme Court, 335
  5. Pettit, Silas W., 181
  6. Pfannebecker, meeting a, in Germany, 218
  7. Philadelphia, College of Medicine invites author's father to a chair on faculty, 55; City Institute, 57
  8. Philadelphia delegation to State Convention unanimously endorses governor for Supreme Court, 343
  9. Philadelphia, her "Greatest Need," 374
  10. Philippine question discussed with Mr. Taft, 472
  11. Phillips, John J., 55
  12. Phillips, Thomas W., 183
  13. Philobiblon Club organized, 239
  14. Phœnix Iron Company, 72, 90
  15. Phœnix, Weekly, 86
  16. Phœnixville, Annals of, 147; charter, 52; conditions during author's boyhood, 62; war record of her sons, 89; war work of girls, 89; Young Men's Literary Union, 72
  17. Phœnixville Guardian, 75
  18. Phœnixville Pioneer, The, 35
  19. Physical peculiarities, 149, 150
  20. Pierie, George G., 234, 431
  21. Pittsburgh consolidation, 294, 382; consolidation urged, 537; Ripper Bill, 270
  22. Platt, E. Greenough, 126
  23. Platt, Senator Thomas C., 344
  24. Playfair, Sir Lyon, 134
  25. Plockhoy, Peter Cornelius, 147
  26. Poe, second edition of poems, 166
  27. Poetry written by author, 136
  28. Political, associates of early manhood, 172; ward struggles, early, 174; parades and riots, 184
  29. Politics in Phœnixville just before war, 82
  30. Pollok's "Course of Time" favorite book of author's grandmother, 19
  31. Pollock, James, appointed harbormaster of Philadelphia, 428
  32. Pollock, Moses, 168
  33. Pollution of streams brought to attention of legislature, 542
  34. Pomeroy, A. Nevin, 292
  35. Popular election of U. S. Senators, 279
  36. Porter, Chas. A., an early political associate, 172
  37. Porter, General Horace, 396
  38. Portfolio, the, finest known set owned by author, 161
  39. Positions sought by author as a young man, 72
  40. Pratt, Joseph T., 199
  41. Prentis, Major General Benjamin Mayberry, 319
  42. Presentation of silver set at close of administration, 438
  43. Press, controversy with the, 300; correspondent sent out of Mt. Gretna camp, 308
  44. Press comments on judicial capacity of author, 203; irresponsible meddling of, interferes with justice, 212; liberty of the, and its significance, 295
  45. Price, Eli. K., 119
  46. Price, William T., 183
  47. Principio visited by author as a boy, 56
  48. Prisons and their methods, 209
  49. Probst, Anton, tried for murder, 121
  50. Program of legislation suggested in inaugural address, 282
  51. Prospects in life at opening of 1902, 261
  52. Pryor, Roger A., 92
  53. Puleston, John Henry, 75
  54. Punishment inadequate to prevent wrong doing, 209
  55. Pupils associated with author in Grovemont Seminary, 69
  56. Puzzling a reporter, 146
  57. Quaker comments on veto policy, 288
  58. Quarter sessions court, reluctance to preside, 200
  59. Quay, Matthew Stanley, a distant relative of author, 195; aids a Southern lady who had befriended him, 419; appreciation by F. W. Fleitz, 484; approves of author as judge, 195; as a host 484; compared with Clay, 281; dies, 351; eulogized by author before Eighth Ward Republican Club, 316; funeral, 354; members of Indian tribe, 483; jokes with Ben Sooy, 485; Latin humor from, 345; moves remains of his grandmother from Ohio to Chester County, 322; political methods characterized, 320; resolution adopted by Pennsylvania delegation to Chicago 1904 convention, 359; statue to be erected at capitol, 440; superstitions, 322; talks over gubernatorial nomination, 265; writes a scathing letter on the Supreme Court muddle, 340 et seq.
  60. Radcliffe, Sarah Ann, made clothes for Pennypacker family, 39
  61. Rand, Dr. Benjamin Howard, 55
  62. Railroads to take precautions against forest fires, 527
  63. Rawle, William Brooke, 158, 302
  64. Rawle, William Henry, 114, 197
  65. Read, John M., 172
  66. Reading, records of, 145
  67. Readings in law, 110
  68. Reapportionment into senatorial and representative districts recommended, 534; difficulties explained, 535; of the state proposed in 1905, 370
  69. Reception of newspaper abuse, 309