Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/582

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  1. Sea sickness, 224
  2. Second term election not contested, 254
  3. Seidensticker, Dr. Oswald, 144
  4. Sellers, David, 197
  5. "Settlement of Germantown" published, 229
  6. Seventh Pennsylvania regiment attacked in Baltimore, 86
  7. Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves' monument at Antietam, 437
  8. Seventy-third Pennsylvania regiment memorial dedicated at Chickamauga, 316
  9. Seward, William H., writes to author's father, 51
  10. Shackleton, Sir Ernest, met in company with other polar explorers, 496
  11. Shapley, Rufus E., 251
  12. Sharswood, Judge George, 113
  13. Shaud, David, convicted of murder, asks for speedy execution, 334
  14. Sheppard, Isaac A., 202
  15. Sheppard, Frank K., 101
  16. Sheppard, Furman, esteemed as an able man, 121
  17. Sheridan, General, 134
  18. Sheriff's request not a prerequisite to gubernatorial action, 422
  19. Sherman, General 15
  20. Sherman, John, one of the author's teachers, 44
  21. Shiffler Hose Company, 56
  22. Shiloh battlefield visited, 319
  23. Shipley, Samuel R., 125
  24. Shippen, Edward, 245
  25. Shoddy clothing complaints, 87
  26. Shriners of Harrisburg entertain governor, 417
  27. Shumaker, James M., rescues imperiled people, 348
  28. Sickles, Gen. Daniel E., 15
  29. Silver set, presentation of, 438
  30. Silver, W. A., 101
  31. Simes, Snyder B., schoolmate of author in Philadelphia, 58
  32. Simons, Menno, author settles question of date of birth, 165
  33. Simpson, W. Alexander, 253, 339
  34. Singer, Captain, 103
  35. Slam-bang case, 241
  36. Slemmer, Lieut. A. J., 149
  37. Slight incidents and great consequences, 159
  38. Sloanaker, A. B., becomes politically prominent by means of wax flowers, 104
  39. Small, Col. Wm. P., gets a reputation as hero, 83
  40. Smith, A. E., 172
  41. Smith, Charles Emory, 185, 264, 272, 297, 301, 434
  42. Smith, Dr. William, founder of the University, 162
  43. Smith, Walter George, 415
  44. Smith, William B., 184
  45. Smithers, Elias P., 78
  46. Social evil through eyes of judge, 210
  47. Social occasions at the old "Bellevue," 233
  48. Soldiers' Home at Erie visited, 313
  49. Somerset encampment of Second Brigade inspected, 307
  50. Sower imprint collection, 160
  51. Sower, Samuel, had boyish quarrel with author, 68
  52. Spanish language studied, 145
  53. Special session of legislature called, 398; considered, 389; corrupt practices act passes, 412; creates greater Pittsburgh, 412; proposed legislation, 398; reapportionment passes, 412; resolution of thanks and congratulations, 412
  54. Spencer, John Thompson, 113
  55. Sprogell, Lodowick Christian, became a Dutch patroon in Pennsylvania, 17
  56. Sproul, William C., advocate of improved roads, 293; on governor's retirement, 460
  57. Staake, William H., 415
  58. State engineer, 534
  59. State Library achievements, 527; recommendations, 527
  60. Stearns, John O., 204
  61. Steel, Edward T., 185, 191
  62. Steelton railway accident, 384
  63. Sternberg, Ambassador, on Trautwin murder case, 449
  64. Stevens, Thaddeus, a correspondent of author's father, 54, 136
  65. Stewart, Adjutant General, 362
  66. Stewart, Judge John, 183, 385, 451
  67. Stewart, Gen. Thomas J., 304
  68. Stillé, Dr. Charles, president of Historical Society, 156
  69. Stockton, Rear Admiral, 90
  70. Stokes, Governor E. C., 431
  71. Stone, Frederick D., 134, 157
  72. Stone, Governor William A., 254, 350
  73. Stony Point, author made an address, 15
  74. Stotesbury, Edward T., 495
  75. Stove plate cast by a Pennypacker in 1787 discovered, 366
  76. Stream conservation brought to attention of legislature, 537
  77. Stuart, Edwin S., estimate, 432; inaugurated governor, 438; nominated for governor, 427
  78. Sullivan, Andrew J., 44
  79. Sullivan, Mark, writes a poem on "Samuel Whangdoodle Pennypacker," 425; writes "The Ills of Pennsylvania," 260
  80. Sulzberger, Mayer, 181, 194, 241, 323, 452
  81. Sulzer, Governor William, 280
  82. Sumter, awakening effect in North, 84
  83. Supplementary call for special session, 406
  84. Supreme Court of U. S., admitted to practice before, 135
  85. Surface, H. A., 272
  86. Susquehanna river scenery, 347
  87. Swedes, ancestry of author, 17