Page:The autocrat of the breakfast-table (1858).djvu/391

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TREE-WIVES, 268. TRIADS, writing in, 95. TROIS Freres, dinners at the, 86. TROTTING, democratic and favora ble to many virtues, 40 ; matches not races, 40. TRUTH, primary relations with, 16. TRUTHS and lies compared to cubes and spheres, 132. T UPPER, 18, 361. TUPPERIAN wisdom, 317. TUTOR, my late Latin, his verses, 307. U. UNLOVED, the, 354. V. VENEERING in conversation, 164. VERSE, proper medium for revealing our secrets, 67. VERSES, album, 17 ; abstinence from writing, the mark of a poet, 233. VERSE-WRITERS, their peculiarities, 338. VIOLINS, soaked in music, 117; take a century to dry, 118. VIRTUES, negative, 306. VISITORS, getting rid of, when their visit is over, 19. VOICE, the Teutonic maiden's, 250; the German woman's, 251 ; the little child's in the hospital, 252. VOICES, certain female, 248; fear fully sweet ones, 249; hard and sharp, 251; people do not know their own, 253; sweet must be long to good spirits, 253. Voleur, brand of, on galley rogues, 120. VOLUME, man of one, 165. W. WALKING arm against arm, 20 ; laws of, 80; the Professor sanctions, 191 ; riding and rowing compared, 193, 194. WASP, sloop of war, 239. WATCH-PAPER, the old gentleman's, 244. WATER, the white-pine pail of, 232. WEDDING, the, 364. WEDDING-PRESENTS, the, 361. WELLINGTON, gentle in his old age, 92. WHAT WE ALL THINK, 168. WILL, compared to a drop of water in a crystal, 96. WILLOWS in Maine, 335. WINE of ancients, 75. WIT takes imperfect views of things, 55. WOMAN, an excellent instrument for a nerve-player, 148; to love a, must see her through a pin-hole, 258 ; must be true as death, 315 ; marks of low and bad blood in, 316; love-capacity in, ib.; pride in, 316; why she should not say too much, 317. WOMEN, young, advice to, 54; first to detect a poet, 211 ; inspire poets, 211; their praise the poet's re ward, 211 ; all, love all men, 257 ; all men love all, 257 ; pictures of, 257; who have weighed all that life can offer, 322. WOODBRIDGE, Benjamin, his grave, 279, 280. WORLD, old and new, comparison of their types of organization, 276. WRITING with feet in hot water, 7 ; like shooting with a rifle, 30. Y. YES ? in conversation, 20. YOUNG FELLOW called John, 60, 72, 81, 88, 114, 128, 201, 216, 223, 224, 241, 254, 268, 293, 800, 306, 356, 362. YOUNG LADY come to be finished off, 10. YOUTH, flakes off like button-wood bark, 177; American, not perfect type of physical humanity, 197; and age, what Author means by, 231. Z ZlMMERMANN, 7.