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Good Books by Irish Authors.


A HISTOEY OP OUR OWN TIMES, from the Accession of Queer, Victoria to the General Election of 1880. Four Vols., crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6s. each. .A SHORT HISTORY OP OUR OWN TIMES. One Vol., crown 8vo., cloth extra, 6s. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 3s. 6d. each; post 8vo., iUustrated boards, 2s. each : — DEAR LADY DISDAIN THE WATERDALE NEIGH- BOURS MY ENEMY’S DAUGHTER A PAIR SAXON LINLEY ROCHPORD MISS MISANTHROPE DONNA QUIXOTE THE COMET OP A SEASON MAID OP ATHENS CAIvIIOLA: A Girl with aPortune. Crown 8 vo., cloth extra, 3s. 6d. WORKS BY JUSTIN H. MCCARTHY, M.P. AN OUTLINE OP THE HISTORY OP IRELAND, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Crown 8vo., Is., cloth. Is. 6d. A HISTORY OP IRELAND, From the Union to the introduction of Mr. Gladstone s Bill. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 6s. In the Press. ENGLAND UNDER GLADSTONE, 1880-85. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 6 s. DOOM : An Atlantic Episode. Crown 8vo., Is. ; cloth. Is. 6d. OUR SENSATION NOVEL. Crown 8vo., Is. ; cloth. Is. 6d. BY T. P. O’CONNOPt, M.P. LOitD BEACONSriELD ; A Biography. Sixtli Edition, with a New Preface. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 7s. 6d. LONDON: CHATTO & WIN DUS,