Page:The birds of Tierra del Fuego - Richard Crawshay.djvu/61

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Plates of Birds

Geranoǣtus melanoleucus Glaucidium nanum Ipocrantor magellanicus Cistothorus platensis Chrysomitris barbata Phrygilas gayi " melaiioderus Trupialis militaris Agriornis livida Myiotheretes rufiventris Centrites niger Anaeretes parahis Oxyurus spinicauda Pygarrbicus albigularis Scytalopus magellanicus Tberisticus melanopis Cbloepbaga dispar Anas cristata Pluvianellus sociabilis Attagis malouiniis Podiceps americanus

To face p.

15 35 37 43 49 53 55 57 59 6l 67 69 79 81 83 87 95 103 121 131 151


Nose Peak Forest The Sea-shore at the Entrance to Admiralty Sound The Summit of the Sierra Carmen Sylva A River Pool in the Forest The Pampas of the Lowlands In the Sierra Carmen Sylva An Antarctic Beech A Silent Pool


To face p. ix

xi xiii XV xvii xix xxxiii