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Lancelot bears off Guenevere (p. 153) Frontispiece
Arthur meets the Lady of the Lake to face p.14
Lancelot at the Chapel 77
Guenevere and Sir Bors. 106
Lancelot brings Guenevere to Arthur. 132
Alix kisses Rainouart 275
Slagfid pursues the Wraith over the Mountains 301
The Chariot of Freya 318


How Arthur drew the Sword to face p.4
Arthur and the Questing Beast 10
The Death of Balin and Balan 20
Merlin and Vivien 31
Morgan Le Fay casts away the Scabbard 34
Gareth and Linet 42
Linet and the Black Knight 46
The Lady of Lyonesse sees Sir Gareth 54
Sir Galahad opens the Tomb 72
Sir Percivale slays the Serpent 82
Lancelot and the Dwarf 96
Arthur and Guenevere kiss before all the People 108
Elaine ties her Sleeve round Sir Lancelot’s Helmet 116
The Black Barget 128
The Archers threaten Lancelot 138