Page:The book of wonder voyages (1919).djvu/179

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Hasan of Bassorah

away sword and buckler and came and kissed his hand. Thereupon the old man entered the cave with Hasan whilst the slave shut the door behind them. It was a huge vast place, through which ran an arched corridor; and they walked on for a mile or so, till they came to a large open space, whence they made for an angle of the mountain, wherein were two immense doors of solid brass. And the old man said to Hasan, "Sit at the door till I return, and beware lest thou open it and enter." Then he went in and shut the door, and was absent for a full hour, when he returned leading a black stallion, bridled and saddled with velvet housings. And when it ran it flew, and when it flew the very dust would pursue, and he brought it to Hasan saying: "Mount!" So he mounted and Abd al-Kaddus opened a second door, beyond which appeared a vast desert. And the two passed through the door into the desert, when the old man said: "O my son, take this scroll and go whither the steed will carry thee. When thou seest him stop at the door of a cavern like this, alight and throw the reins over the saddle-bow and let him go. He will enter the cavern, but enter not with him; tarry at the door five days without wearying of waiting. On the sixth day will come forth to thee a black Shaykh clad in sable, with a long white beard. Kiss his hands, seize his skirt, and lay it on thy head, and weep before him, till he take pity on thee and ask thee what thou wouldst have. When he saith: 'What is thy want?' give him this scroll, which he will take without speaking, and go