Page:The book of wonder voyages (1919).djvu/187

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Hasan of Bassorah

the eldest daughter of the Supreme King, she who ruleth over all the Islands of Wak. It is impossible for thee to obtain her, as between her and thee the distance is as that between earth and heaven. So return whence thou camest lest our lives be lost." And Hasan wept sore, and bemoaned himself and despaired of life. And Shawahi said, "O my son, tell me which of the maidens pleaseth thee and I will give her thee instead of thy wife, and thou canst say that thy wife and children are dead, for if thou fall into the King's hand I have no means of delivering thee." Then Hasan wept till he swooned away, and Shawahi sprinkled water on his face till he revived. And she was sorry for him, and Allah planted the seed of affection for him in her heart, and she comforted him, saying, "Be of good cheer, and keep thine eyes cool and clear, and put away trouble from thy thought, for I will risk my life for thee until thou attain thine aim or I die."

Now the Queen of the Island wherein they dwelt was Nur al-Huda, eldest daughter of the Supreme King, and she ruled over all the lands and Islands of Wak. So when the ancient dame saw Hasan weary with his longing, she repaired to the palace and going to the Queen Nur al-Huda, kissed ground before her, for she had a claim in her favor because she had reared the King's daughters, and was had in high honor and consideration with them and the King. Nur al-Huda rose to her as she entered, and embracing her seated her by her side, and asked her of her journey. And